Strategy, Search,
Organization Design
The Portage Group provides associations, not-for-profit and regulatory organizations with pragmatic and future-focused consulting solutions in areas that include: Research, Strategy, Search and Organization Design.
The Portage Group Advantage
Our team understands what it means to accomplish extraordinary results. We have done it as organizational leaders and we have lived it as consultants helping hundreds of clients with an unwavering commitment to quality and depth of service.
We set ourselves apart through:

Thought Leadership
Our team is highly in-tune and connected to the industry we serve. In addition to countless insights and better practices gained from hundreds of client projects and industry contacts, we are leaders in the development of timely and meaningful Canadian association industry and trends research. In addition to using this knowledge to facilitate and contribute to critical discussions and initiatives related to the association and not-for-profit sector, our clients benefit from the insights and better practices that emerge from this important work.

Research and Analysis
Our firm is unmatched in the depth of its research expertise and relies upon good information, feedback and data as a tool to drive decision-making. Above all, it is our analysis and ability to interpret the strategic implications of research and other information that uniquely sets up apart. We go beyond just sharing the results by offering relevant insight and examples to help clients develop forward-looking and innovative strategies that will ensure their organizations thrive.

Sector Experience
TPG specializes in serving the unique needs of professional and industry associations, as well as regulators, charities and other organizations. Our team has worked with hundreds of such organizations at all levels and across a spectrum of professions, sectors and community/special interest areas, including: Healthcare, Transportation, Medicine, Education, Manufacturing, Distribution, Communications and Technology, Real Estate, Natural Resources, Professional Services, Social Services, Human Resources, Construction and Trades, and many more.
We can help!
Accomplish extraordinary results with information-driven planning, advisory and implementation support across multiple integrated service areas.
Who We Are
Our team are more than just consultants. We are thought leaders in our fields, combining an aptitude for consulting excellence with lived experience working and volunteering for some of this country’s leading associations and charities. We work as a team bringing our respective areas of subject matter expertise together with the result being recommendations, solutions and strategies that consider all the angles.
We help clients by providing:

Data and Analysis
Helping you make effective decisions informed by insights about your sector, environment and constituents.

Transformative Strategy
A toolkit of strategic frameworks, better practices and facilitation approaches to make sure your next plan positions your organization to thrive.

Organization Design
Ensuring your structure, governance, and processes are aligned to enable success.

Getting your organization the right people at the right time in the right place.

Research Products
Value-added and revenue-generating research products for your members and stakeholders.
Practice Leads
Jack Shand, CAE, FCMC
Executive Partner – Leadership Consulting and Search

Jack Shand is an Executive Partner of The Portage Group and leads the firm’s leadership consulting and executive search practice. Jack is passionate about the people aspect of not-for-profit organizations and has worked with well over 100 organizations to provide leadership development and executive search support.
Jack is also a trained and highly skilled strategic planner and facilitator, having supported many organizations in this area. He is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and has been recognized by peers as a Fellow (FCMC) of the consulting profession in Canada for his pioneering, innovative work. He is also a Certified Association Executive (CAE).
Jack understands member-based organizations through a consulting career spanning over 20 years, and leadership roles in three national organizations including as president of the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE), in which he has been recognized through their ‘honoured life’ award.
Geoffrey Thacker, B.Comm
Executive Partner – Research

Geoff Thacker is an Executive Partner of The Portage Group and leads TPG’s research practice. He is a market research professional with unparalleled experience conducting research designed specifically for the needs of associations and not-for-profit organizations.
Over his career, Geoff has worked with over 200 different associations helping them in areas such as member satisfaction, needs and engagement, industry or sector profiling and sizing, benchmarking sector metrics (i.e., compensation and operations), segmentation, best practices and more.
Geoff is committed to supporting the longevity and success of the association and not-for-profit sector, and frequently contributes his research and sector expertise to the development of industry impact and trends studies. He has served in several volunteer roles for organizations that include the Canadian Society of Association Executives in Ottawa-Gatineau where he has earned recognition from his colleagues with the Business Member of the Year award.
Prior to working with associations and not-for-profits, Geoff was a Principal Consultant for PwC Consulting where he played a lead role in the Measurement and Market Research Practices.
Carol-Anne Moutinho, MBA
Principal, Strategy and Organization Design

A certified facilitator, Carol-Anne is experienced working with member-based organizations to develop future-focused and member-driven strategic plans. Whether in-person or virtually, she creates an engaging workshop environment that offers space for planners to think ‘big’ while helping the group to stick to the planning process, ensuring the result is a clear and action-oriented plan that won’t sit on the shelf.
Carol-Anne is a skilled qualitative researcher and analyst. She brings extensive experience conducting stakeholder interviews, in-person and virtual discussions and focus groups, as well as secondary research. She has supported dozens of clients in developing information-based strategies and solutions by providing insights related to environmental analysis, member and stakeholder needs, as well as benchmarking and better practices across a number of areas related to association sector strategy and organization design.
She is an active writer and speaker on topics related to trends facing member-based organizations, including strategy, industry trends, membership models, competitive positioning and revenue development and diversification.