Sean Kelly, CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau President and Geoff Thacker, Executive Partner – Research and Strategy
with The Portage Group
TPG Executive Partner – Research and Strategy, Geoff Thacker was honoured this week by his colleagues at the Canadian Society of Association Executives Ottawa-Gatineau with the Business Member of the Year Award.
Geoff has been a long-time supporter and volunteer for the Chapter. “I am very honoured to have been chosen to recieve this award from my colleagues,” he shared. “I have found volunteering with CSAE to be an extremely rewarding experience. I’ve connected with and strengthened relationships with colleagues and clients and made some great friends in the process. Most importantly, I’ve learned firsthand that good volunteers really spell the difference between good and great in terms of the value organizations like CSAE provides to its stakeholders.”
Congratulations Geoff on this well-deserved honour!